Podcast Talent Coach

Where Do You Find Inspiration – PTC 444



AS A CONTENT CREATOR, WHERE DO YOU FIND INSPIRATION? Creating great content begins with strong topics. And strong topics come from inspiration. Inspiration is available in many areas of life. In this episode, you will discover 7 ways to inspire you with great content ideas. PASSION Before you begin looking for ideas and inspiration, ensure you are passionate about your topic. If you are not a fanatic about your niche, you'll find it difficult to create any content. When you are passionate about your niche, content ideas tend to flow naturally. You can't create content simply because you think others will enjoy it. The idea well runs dry when you chase the passion of other. Don't worry about what others love. To be interesting, be interested. Talk about ideas that stir your passion. TWO ELEMENTS OF INSPIRATION Before you begin creating content ideas, you need to remember the two critical elements of great content. First, everything interesting is about people. When you create content, it cannot be information