Wot Spoilers

Wheel of Time Spoilers 461 – CoT ch12: A Bargain & ch13 High Seats + WH ch35: With the Choedan Kal (Eben & Cyndane)



It’s bath time! The much-maligned, much-anticipated, larger-than-life bath is finally here!!! This is a chapter of water and sass, as the Sea Folk and Andoran nobles alike get a taste of what Queen Elayne Aes Sedai is going to be like. Our Winter’s Heart sections are some of the juiciest writing we’ve had in a while, as a lovely treat between chapters. We also discuss the connection between hot water, magic, and civilization, debate if shoes are evil, wonder about salt water baths, and realize that this podcast is sponsored by inherited wealth. WH Ch35 section: Eben & Cyndane (audiobook 45:26 & 48:09)US military history with drag: https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/drag-entertainment-world-war-ii UK soldiers in drag: https://www.vintag.es/2020/01/soldiers-in-drag.html Some Like It Hot https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0053291/ Revelation Space https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/89187.Revelation_Space The Will of the Many https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/58416952-the-will-of-the-many S