Alison Thompson's posts

S2 Ep2: Faigy Liebermann: ADHD Coach and Home Organiser



Welcome to Conversations with Authors, where I – Alison Thompson, AKA The Proof Fairy – meet amazing authors and find out what inspired them to write and what advice they would offer other aspiring authors.   In this episode I meet Faigy Liebermann, author of three books aimed at women with ADHD: “Organise Your Home Like A Pro”, “Own Your ADHD”, and “Banish Your Overwhelm, part one: Declutter Your Life”.    If you’ve ever been terrified by the sight of a blank page, Faigy gives her thoughts on how to overcome that fear and accept that there is no such thing as perfect when it comes to writing.    About Faigy Liebermann   Mother to five children with ADHD and having ADHD herself, Faigy has a unique understanding of the challenges and strengths of ADHD and is proof to ADHD women worldwide that you can live a successful life.    In the last five years Faigy has done more to educate and raise awareness of ADHD in the UK than any other ADHD coach in the country. Faigy has authored three books about ADHD and has mo