Purple Patch Podcast

Episode 270: Building the Mental Game in Sport - The Practice of Daily Reinforcement



Are you showing up to your event in the best mental space possible? You may have checked all the boxes in your training program and set yourself up to arrive at your event ready to allow trained potential to translate to race-day performance, but setting up the right mindset is one part of the performance readiness equation that is often ignored or misunderstood by athletes and coaches. In this episode of the Purple Patch Podcast, IRONMAN Master Coach Matt Dixon shares his secret to supercharging your mental game so that you arrive physiologically fresh and mentally prepared on race day. Most coaches and athletes jump to pre-event preparation with a heavy emphasis on training and physical readiness, which can sometimes reinforce performance anxiety. Instead, Matt offers a path to developing belief and confidence in your approach by focusing on areas within an athlete’s control on a day-to-day basis and reinforcement strategies for framing and processing your post-training and race-day performance. Matt lays o