Real Crime Profile

#447: “Victim/Suspect” | Part 2



Do you know what the “Reid” technique is or why it is so controversial? In today's episode Jim explains how this high pressure interrogation protocol can be abused by police officers when they are poorly trained and when they have no experience with traumatized sexual assault victims. But Laura wonders if there isn’t something deeper going on when law enforcement tried to turn victims into suspects. She has a theory about something even more insidious at play here. Join us as we continue breaking down the cases in the new Netflix documentary “Victim/Suspect” which follows investigative journalist Rachel de Leon’s tireless search for the truth in several “false” allegations of rape and the consequences for the victims of sexual assault who report to police. #TheTruthWillNotRevealItself#netflix #victimsuspect #sexualassault #believevictims #centerforinvestigativereporting #EmmaMannion #DyanieBermeo #MeganRondini #NikkiYovino #RachelDeLeon #NancySchwartzman #documentary #filmmaker #crime #ExpertAnalysis #FBI #Pr