John Kuzma's Podcast

Episode 10: Augean Stables



“Augean Stables” is my labor of Hercules. Only one of twelve famous “labors” Hercules had to clean out the Augean Stables, the stables of the gods, which had not been cleaned for 6000 years. He had to do this to prove himself worthy of immortality.  This is a myth which teaches us that we must get our own psychological house in order if we are to become worthy of greatness. It was a task of cleaning out my studio, ripping it back to the bare walls, scraping the floor, and removing seven layers of carpet that have been there since the house's first days.  Before embarking on a great challenge, (like reclaiming your life as a composer), one needs to be sure – through humbling labor - that one is free of any demons.  Music: Piano Prelude & Fugue - John Kuzma