Sarah Fader The Podcast

Mansplainers and a Not-So-Nice Jewish Girl From Brooklyn With Aliza Worthington



Join me as I interview the brutally honest, funny, and talented Aliza Worthington. Her first name is pronounced Uh-lee-zuh, which rhymes with the leaning tower of Pisa. Don't you forget it, I did. We discuss mansplainers, old school blogging, BlogHer, New York and more! "Accountability journalism, advocacy for marginalized folks, harm reduction in all ways possible." Aliza Worthington's current writing home is Baltimore Fishbowl, winner of 21 MDDC Press Association Awards, including Best in Show for its category. She also still calls Crooks and Liars dot com her home and journalistic family; she was a writer and editor there for the last 5 years and fills in when she can. Aliza co-hosts the Momocrats weekly podcast with powerhouses Karoli Kuns and Donna Schwartz Mills. One day, if the Flying Spaghetti Monster smiles upon her, she shall get back to her sad, neglected blog, The Worthington Post. Her writing has been sourced by Lawrence O'Donnell, applauded by the Creative Director of the Oscar