Cinephile's Digest

DIE!gest Episode 36: The Witch and Sator



Surprise, name of the theme changed! Don't let the last episode's show notes fool you, the theme this episode is "it's frickin' demons!" Double feature this time out is the modern horror classic "The Witch" as well as the 2019 film "Sator". Hope you love it. If you want to follow along with the podcast, get ready because we've got something fun planned. Summer is officially here, and we are celebrating with what we're calling "The Summer of Slashers!" Each of the next four DIE!gest episodes will pit two slasher flicks against one another, and by the end of each episode we will collectively crown a favorite, with an ultimate winner named at the end of the summer. The only rule is that we are picking movies none of us have ever seen. First up, we will be watching the original "My Bloody Valentine" (available on Max) and "Madman" (available tubi and VOD). Send an email with double feature suggestions, feedback or other topics to Original Music provided by Kurt Moren dreamsofsilentme