John Hebenton's Podcast

Treaty of Waitangi: He Tatau Pounamu viewing the Treaty through a reconciliatory lens with Dr. Alistair Reese



The second lecture will be given by Dr. Alistair Reese on the Treaty of Waitangi: He Tatau Pounamu. Alistair is a well-known farmer, historian, public theologian and author who specializes in reconciliation work. He will be exploring the Te Tiriti o Waitangi through a reconciliatory lens.St. Georges Anglican Church, Gate Pa, sits on the site of the Battle of Gate Pā-Pukehinahina. Each year we try to offer free lectures to help people understand our history and how it shapes our present. This year we offered three lectures on the evenings of January 22, January 29, and February 12. This was the second of these lectures