Saturday Live

Eoin Colfer, Jennifer and Robert Beckford, Alan Bateson, Gaz Coombes



Eoin Colfer, the international bestselling Artemis Fowl author reveals why he’s tackling climate change via a graphic novel and how you write subjects like this for children. Taking on the challenge of the great outdoors in a very personal way, is hairdresser Alan Bateson who's about to run 1,047 miles in 22 days...we’ll find out why! Tackling each other’s very different views, on the 75th anniversary of Windrush, we have squabbling couple Jennifer Beckford and Professor Robert Beckford. And we’ll hear the Inheritance Tracks of Supergrass frontman and solo singer Gaz Coombes. Presenters: Nikki Bedi and Huw Stephens Producer: Ben Mitchell Details of support for addiction and child sexual abuse is available at BBC Action Line: