Institute Of Welsh Affairs

16.02.2023 - IWA Report Launch: Beyond Social Partnership? Devolved Levers to Support Trade Unions



This is a recording of the launch of our report Beyond Social Partnership? Devolved Levers to Support Trade Unions in Wales, which took place on Thursday 16 February 2023. This event was chaired by the IWA's Policy and External Affairs Manager Joe Rossiter and included a presentation and Q&A delivered by Harry Thompson, the IWA's Economic Policy Lead and author of the report. As part of our work towards a fair economy for Wales, we have undertaken a short study into the trade union movement in Wales, and its potential to structurally re-balance Wales’ economy in favour of low and middle earners. We want to ensure that any growth in overall prosperity is distributed across society and across the economy, rather than being disproportionately absorbed by those at the top. We find that there is a high scope for empowered trade unions to help restructure Wales’ economy in favour of those on low and middle incomes, additionally ensuring that any new attempts to grow and rebuild Wales’ economy are systematical