Learn Persian With Chai And Conversation

Speak Lesson 7 | How to Talk About Your Job and Where You Work



In this Persian (Farsi) lesson, you learn how to talk about your job, say where you work, and whether or not you like your job. We learn vocabulary for a long list of jobs, including: student engineer lawyer writer architect accountant cook waiter dentist pilot artist We then learn how to combine these words into the phrase saying what we do and asking others what they do for a living. Again, very useful phrases for making casual conversation with others to get to know them better. We also learn how to say whether or not we like our jobs, and to ask others if they like their jobs as well. We then learn the vocabulary for different places you could work. These include: Restaurant Hospital Factory Office Not all people work, however. So we also learn the following Persian phrases: I work I don't work I am jobless I am retired