Learn Persian With Chai And Conversation

Speak Lesson 8 | How to Talk About Your Likes and Dislikes



In this Persian (Farsi) lesson, you learn to talk about your likes and dislikes. Also, we will be learning the Persian sound ‘gh’. There are two sounds in the Persian language that you don't hear in English. The first is the sound 'kh' heard in words such as 'khoobam'- we went over this in Lesson 1. The second is the sound 'gh' which we'll be going over in this lesson. We learn it specifically to learn the word for music, or museeghee in Persian. The phrases covered in this lesson will allow you to say whether or not you: like your job like chocolate like nature like sports like music Or, whether you like specific figures such as Charlie Chaplin. In order to learn how to say that you like a specific person, we have to learn about the 'direct object marker', the sound rā which has no direct translation in the English language. We also go over talking about what you like to do. The phrases we learn with regard to this are:  I like to watch movies I like to read books I like to exercise I like to eat chocolate I