Riding Shotgun With Charlie

RSWC #058 CloverTac Chris Dover



Riding Shotgun With Charlie #058 Chris Dover CloverTac I was on CloverTac's podcast earlier this year. I was excited to hear he was coming to Gun Rights Policy Conference in Phoenix, AZ, on September 21 & 22. He was also at AMMcon on September 20. He is busing his green tail getting shows out in all platforms. Videos on YouTube and GunStreamer. Audio podcasts on all the podcast outlets. He's busting it! Anyway... this starts with him running in front of the stagecoach just after I finished filming a show. I told him to hop in and we were going to do an impromptu show. Its a quick one, but we have several laughs, regardless. Check out CloverTac at: Website: http://clovertac.com/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/clovertac Instagram https://www.instagram.com/clovertac/ Help support his show at Patreon https://www.patreon.com/clovertac