Riding Shotgun With Charlie

RSWC #061 GIna Roberts



Riding Shotgun With Charlie #061 Gina Roberts I’ve been running into Gina Roberts for the last few years. I’ve seen her at the Gun Rights Policy Conference, at Heller10, and at the DC Project events. She’s been asking for awhile when is she going to be able to get in the stagecoach for a show. And finally at GPRC in Phoenix, we were able to make it happen. Let’s get this out of the way. Gina is a transgender woman. And she’s now comfortable in her own dresses. She grew up as a man, had a family and raised kids. Seven and a half years ago, she decided that she needs to be herself. She says “I spent most of my life trying to pretend I was somebody I wasn’t” and now she’s her own woman. I think it’s great and I’m proud of and for her and to call her a friend. Gina travels for her work as a consultant for servicing machines she’s designed. She’s always on the go and jet setting across the country, which is one reason why it took some time to set up the interview. I never know where she’s going or when she’s going