Riding Shotgun With Charlie

RSWC #066 Tomasz Stepien



Riding Shotgun With Charlie#066 Tomasz Stepien   Tomasz Stepien answered the call when I was looking for passengers at Gun Rights Policy Conference in Phoenix. I was excited to have my first international passenger in the stagecoach. This was quite an education for me and I hope it is for you as well.    Tomasz learned gun safety in school!  Can you believe that?!?! He started shooting .22 LR when he was young, but took some time off for his career.  A few years ago, he made some changes with his career and got back into shooting. In Poland, where he’s from, if you’re going to have a firearm license, you have to use the firearm. So, if you’re getting a gun to hunt, you need to hunt.  If you’re going to have it for sport shooting, you have to sport shoot.    Firearms United, the fastest growing coalition in Europe, has been around and got more involved with fighting back after the Charlie Hebdo and The Baclavan terror attacks. Just like in the United States, after these attacks, the governments make some knee