The art of finding joy (The missing keynote from Industry Europe)



Michael Sacca, Former Chief Product Officer at Dribbble, gives a talk about his loss of joy in building products in the last few years. Misaligned KPIs and over-processed processes have led to a burnout of creativity across the product landscape. The increasing trend of financial engineering in products has resulted in imbalanced priorities, causing pressure on product leaders to maintain balance. As processes become too rigid, it becomes harder to be a human day in and day out. Passion doesn't come from an agenda or a methodology; it comes from people. When care for our craft and trust breaks down, and we forget we're human, the process stifles progress. Sacca talks about how the pandemic and the pressure it brought led to rigidity, which took the joy out of work. But, his team realized an opportunity to teach design to students and started a small team that solved problems in real-time without strict processes. The result was a successful product that brought back the joy of working. Gigantic - The professi