The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

518 Shepherding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Change Within The Organisation



The big chiefs in the organisation have embraced the idea of Diversity, Equity and inclusion (DEI).  Even more, they expect Middle Management to get on board with this push and make it happen.  That means people who probably haven’t spent one second thinking about DEI now have to be the role models for the new cause.  I always tell people that the success or failure of DEI in Japan is decided at the kacho or section chief level.  This is where the bulk of the people are being supervised and where the decisions about coaching, promotion and role allocations are made.  The President has signed off on the idea and the kacho level leaders have to drive this throughout the ranks.  Here are nine ideas for kacho level leaders to consider regarding how to turn the rhetoric into a reality. 1.      Avoid negative self-talk It is not unusual that change represents a challenge and the self-talk we generate as a result may easily become negative.  If we allow this to happen, then the people under our supervision will fol