Kol Ramah

Parsha Talk Shavuot 5783 2023



Parsha Talk; with Rabbis Eliot Malomet, Barry Chesler and Jeremy Kalmanofsky. With the onset of Shavuot Thursday night it is another early edition of Parashah Talk. In the Diaspora [outside the Land of Israel], the 2nd day of Shavuot on Shabbat preempts the weekly Torah reading, so that Israel will be a week ahead for a number of weeks. Our show is devoted to an exploration of Shavuot, which comes with its own set of Torah readings, haftarot, customs such as eating dairy, and the all-night study session known as Tiqqun Lail Shavuot. We discuss Revelation and what it might mean to us and how one might best understand the holiday as a celebration of Revelation. Along the way we discuss some other aspects of the holiday as well. With best wishes for a Chag Same’ach and Shabbat Shalom!