Love From The Hyp With Sakura Sutter

Success Coach, Cynthia Occelli



On this edition of Love From The Hyp, Women's Life Challenge and Success Coach, Cynthia Occelli joins us for an exclusive interview. Cynthia faced adversity at a young age, but rather than wallowing in resentment and fear she became resilient and strong. A former 9th grade drop-out and having been a young mom on welfare, she persevered and graduated law school, in addition to building her dream business and home. She was even honored by Bill Clinton at the 2016 Democratic Convention for being an American Success Story. She has authored Resurrecting Venus, a guide to embracing your feminine energy, and is currently writing a memoir about growing up bi-racial in a racist home and overcoming tragedy and loss.  Listen in to hear about her inspirational life journey thus far, and the tough obstacles she had to face, as well as the knowledge and strengths she gained from them. We will also touch on manifestation and the dreams that have become her reality. She will also reveal ways in which women over 40, can he