Empire Of The Senseless

163: Resurection of a Dead Story, The Little Prince and his Libra



Two kids share a conjoined room; only a wall separates them. On one side of the wall, she sits at a desk and scribbles scenarios. She is certain the answer lies in her magical powers. On the other side, the boy sits at an identical desk and sticks his pen in-between his teeth. He can’t figure out what to say. He hasn’t even heard her voice yet, but he is certain she exists. How can fate have it other way? His destiny was created by her hands and squeezed into a little glass bottle. Splash! She wished as hard as she could and ran away. He ran toward me. He never had any direction but upstream. He knew, if he timed it perfectly, he could just dangle off a tree and reach down his porcelain hand. He had always felt this story coming toward him. But I got overheated by my bratty nature and started banging on the wall. The little girl heard a rhythm. She immediately threw down the pen and started dancing. The boy closed his eyes and began singing. The thoughts flowed until there was nothing left but her movements.