Garlic Marketing Show

How to Outsource Marketing with Noel Andrews



Are you struggling to assemble the perfect marketing team for your company? Look no further, as you won't want to miss the Garlic Marketing Show's interview with Noel Andrews, CEO and Owner of JobRack, the best remote talent from Eastern Europe.As an expert in connecting businesses with remote workers, Noel shares invaluable insights on how to build the perfect marketing team. He emphasizes the biggest mistake companies make when hiring remote workers and provides a solution: slowing down the hiring process and creating a role scorecard. By outlining specific metrics and KPIs, companies can ensure they find the right candidate who can execute strategies effectively. Whether you're struggling to find the right marketing talent or looking to optimize your hiring process, this episode is a must-watch for any company seeking to assemble its dream marketing team. What You’ll Learn:The Right Way to Hire Marketing VAs and Remote Workers: Key TipsAvoid the Biggest Mistake in Hiring a Remote Working Team: Expert Advic