Ba Teen Cast

afe Cooking Techniques for Cooks Who Are Blind or Have Low Vision



The following podcast was recorded for use by customers of Minnesota’s State Services for the Blind. You can get more information about State Services for the Blind and the services it offers by going to www (dot) mnssb (dot) org. (music) Vision Aware – American Foundation for the Blind Safe Cooking Techniques for Cooks Who Are Blind or Have Low Vision Safe Cooking Tips • Wear short sleeves or roll your sleeves above the elbow when working at the stove. • Wear oven mitts to handle pots and pans. • Set a timer to remind you when to turn off the stove and electrical appliances. • Make sure all your appliances are in good working order and avoid overloading circuits. • Use a vegetable peeler instead of a knife for peeling fruits and vegetables. • Consider using a pizza cutter rather than a knife for cutting, or try out a pivot knife that is connected to a cutting board. • Don't store spices on a shelf above the stove. • Don't remove a pan from the stove before you turn off the flame.