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Still Chosen by Random: The Release Seed&Spark | Interview with NaKeyah Dae



Rob interviews  Nakeyah Dae about her latest Seed & Spark campaign for the short horror film,  "Still Chosen by Random: The Release"! Support this Seed&Spark at this link: seedandspark.com/fund/still-chosen-by-random-the-release Brief Summary/Breakdown:   Still Chosen By Random is a short horror slasher that brings on an original slasher with the feel of classic slashers while also bringing that feeling of modern horror and an urban legend. It allows you to follow a story (especially since it's a sequel/reboot to our previous short horror slasher called Faithful Witness:In the Middle) that you can invest in and really care about including its characters. Twitter:@still_chosen Link: https://twitter.com/still_chosen   Instagram:@stillchosenbyrandom Link: https://www.instagram.com/stillchosenbyrandom   YouTube:@forthcoming. Link: https://youtube.com/@forthcoming.   Website Link: https://stillchosenbyrandom.my.canva.site/   Pintrest: @Still Chosen By Random  Link: https://stillchosenbyrandom.my.canva