Blue Skies

Music Monday: I Give You My Heart



A lot of times, I will create practice tracks for the choir and or PT to use to help them learn anthems or praise and worship songs for upcoming weeks. Most of the time I just play a piano accompaniment and them each of their parts, and them place the individual recordings, which means soprano and piano, alto and piano, into DropBox for them to access whenever they feel inclined to listen and practice. A few weeks ago I was making a practice version of this song, I Give You My Heart, for the PT to work on. It’s an older P&W song but I did some rearranging to my original chart I had written. As I was listening along to what I had recorded, I begin to wonder what this new arrangement might sound like if I added some more instrumentation. One thing led to another, and, well, here’s my new rendition of I Give You My Heart, with some help from Lynn Nash on Flugelhorn.