John Hebenton's Podcast

Breathe on Us, Spirit of Peace



Rev Debbie Garrett writes"Pentecost, or the Feast of Weeks, is celebrated on the seventh Sunday after Easter.  In the Book of Joel, the author foretells of a time when God will pour out his Spirit on all people.  The name Pentecost comes from the number 50 in Greek and occurs 50 days from Easter. Jewish people possess a connected holiday called Shavuot, which occurs 50 days after Passover, and lasts three days. Consequently, the two holidays often overlap. Pentecost is rich in spiritual significance, partly because it draws extensively from a variety of previous traditions. In its Hebrew roots, it was tied to the Feast of Firstfruits, meaning the harvest and spring, and its connection to Shavuot ties it to key events in the Old Testament such as the end of Exodus and the giving of the law to Moses. To the 12 Apostles, the day represented the fulfilment of Christ’s promise to baptise his followers with the Holy Spirit. Just as Christmas celebrates the coming of God’s son, Pentecost celebrates the coming o