Choi Says

31: Ep. 31 - #MeToo. Our Stories - Part 3



She's baaaack!!! Hello lovely Choisters! Sorry I haven't been able to post for a couple of weeks. But don't worry, I'm back full force! Here is the third and final episode of the #MeToo. Our Stories Series!!! Once again, I want to thank every woman who shared their stories with me here on Choi Says. I also want to thank all the women out there who are sharing their stories and standing up and standing together. I learned so much and felt so much pride in being a woman while I made this series. so just in general. Thanks you to all of you beautiful souls. We are all sisters on this big round thing we call Earth. Love you all so much! **CONTAINS ADULT CONTENT AND LANGUAGE** In this episode, we talk about what kind of effects sexual assault can have on the victims' mental health. I'm really hoping that beyond sharing these amazing and brave women's stories, that we can bring about some awareness of the aftereffect of the abuse. Sources: Brand, Bethany. (2014). Dissociative identity disorder. 439-458.