
False Teachers and Judgment



False Teachers and JudgmentSecond Peter Chapter 2 in the KJV version of the Bible addresses the issue of false prophets and teachers who bring destructive heresies into the church.The chapter serves as a warning to believers about the dangers of falling prey to their deceitful teachings and immoral lifestyles.The chapter begins by highlighting the presence of false prophets in ancient times and how similar false teachers will arise among the believers. These false prophets will subtly introduce destructive heresies, denying the Lord who redeemed them and bringing swift destruction upon themselves.Peter then provides examples of past judgment upon the wicked, including the fallen angels who sinned and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. This serves as a reminder that God has the power to judge the unrighteous and rescue the righteous.The chapter continues by describing the immoral behavior of these false teachers. They indulge in sensual pleasures, including sexual immorality, and entice others to follow th