Uva Radio

Getting 6s Ep. 18: We Are Not Pro-Prorogation



Boris Johnson has decided to prorogue parliament via a queens speech. This is normal tradition for a new government, however these are not normal times. On the 31st of October the UK is set to leave the EU through a no-deal brexit if we do not accept the deal set by the EU. This prorogation and recess in parliament means that MPs will have 2 weeks out of the remaining 2 months to enact legislation to prevent a no-deal brexit, something that is basically impossible. The only realistic way to truly prevent a no-deal brexit now is to have a vote of no confidence in our prime minister, Boris Johnson. Petition to not prorogue parliament: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/269157?fbclid=IwAR30SyRKDI9vGzcyduYFx18Vr0MatIeLS84gPgNcHk_ZHjBiGrxGIi1iZKA TLDR News video explaining in detail the ways to stop prorogation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMJRUFRPMNA&t=72s Chuku Umunna on joining the Liberal Democrats: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8spTCegIo4c