Let's Put It Off With Jenee Halstead And Danielle Miraglia

Ep 23 Listening is Hard



Alternate title of this episode "I'm Afraid We're Calling This One Vaginas and Weiners."  That says it all.  Jenee and Danielle discuss the Anthony Weiner doc, Pussy Riot's latest video and the cons and cons of Tinder dating. Referenced media: Pussy Riot  "Straight Outta Vagina"  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bp-KeVBNz0A "Weiner" - Documentary about Anthony Weiner now showing on Showtime. Photo is a still from Pussy Riot's "Straight Outta Compton" video. Theme song performed by Danielle Miraglia, Jenee Halstead, Mally Smith and Tom Bianchi www.daniellem.comwww.jeneehalstead.com