Kyle Kingsbury Podcast

#304 Get Involved In Your Food Supply w/ Joel Salatin



Thank you all for supporting me in this endeavor! I got another bucketlist guest on in Joel Salatin. We chopped it up for a solid hour and he was on fire, sadly as things in the age of online podcasts goes, we lost part of it to the ethers. The remainder is still a banger and we left it open to another convo down the line.  In this one we talk a lot about getting your children involved in whatever your process of agriculture looks like and affirming them through deeds, not words. Joel gives some of his basic starting points for folks that live anywhere from a cramped apartment to, like I have in Austin, a 1/10th of an acre. Basically get involved and bring your tribe with you. Enjoy this one and share far and wide. Love yall   ORGANIFI GIVEAWAY Keep those reviews coming in! Please drop a dope review and include your IG/Twitter handle and we’ll get together for some Organifi even faster moving forward.   Connect with Joel: Website: Polyface Farms  Instagram: @polyfacefarm    Show Notes: Counter Culture Farms