Dracaena Wines Podcast

Vino for Vets; Drink for a Great Cause



It’s Monday, Let’s raise a glass to the beginning of another week. It’s time to unscrew, uncork or saber a bottle and let’s begin Exploring the Wine Glass!  Today’s podcast is a bit of a diversion from the typical, but it is a topic that is extremely important to me. Supporting our veterans.  This Memorial Day, many Paso Robles wineries will be participating in Vino for Vets. Each winery will be doing something different, but they all will be helping to raise funds for Honor Flight Central Coast California. The mission of the charity is to honor all of America’s veterans by taking them to Washington D.C. on their “Tour of Honor” for no cost to them.  This Memorial Day weekend stop by Dracaena Wines along with about 30 other wineries to drink for a cause. And the next time you see a veteran, be sure to thank them for their service and welcome them home.  Please take a moment to rate and review the podcast. Did you know you can do it right now, while you are listening? New ratings and reviews are how the algori