The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

517 Facing The Realities Of Change With Diversity, Equity and Inclusion In Japan



The organisation gets religion about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI).  The senior management team, led by the President, decide this is a key path for moving forward.  The upside in achieving greater innovation and creativity by embracing a more inclusive workplace is seen as the Holy Grail.  The Middle Managers are told to get behind the push on DEI.  Brilliant that getting change in Japan is so easy.  Japanese staff love change.  They want their boss to change, their subordinates to change, their colleagues to change, their clients to change, but they want to stay precisely the same.  DEI in Japan is mainly about gender issues, rather than race, religion or national identity. The male Middle Managers themselves are part of the cohort of not wanting to change, regardless of what senior management may be saying.  No one will openly oppose the pronouncements from the top, but that doesn’t mean there is any real enthusiasm for change. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, a Swiss-American psychiatrist wrote a book calle