Not Alone

Ninety-Five: Olgoi-Khorkhoi - Wriggling, Writhing, and a Lot of Other Terrible Words



Today we look at one of the grosser and more unsettling phenomena we've ever turned our gaze towards, the Mongolian Death Worm! Often described as having the appearance of a long intestine overflowing with blood, whose movements are almost always characterized by 'writhing' or 'wriggling', it's no wonder we almost couldn't make it through this one. We'll take you on a grand adventure through time in the Gobi Desert, that funhouse of horrors deep in Mongolia. We'll explore the most important people connected with the Worm, this Olgoi-Khorkhoi, as we make our own expedition to get to the bottom of what's really going on around here. We hope you'll enjoy!