Driving For Your Success With Sheevaun Moran

EP 316: The Invisible Glass Ceiling



Hey, Sheevaun here driving for your success and are you hitting that invisible glass ceiling? I hear this a lot from people no matter where they are in their business. They hit a glass ceiling. It could be a way of doing business, it can be a strategy, it could be a tactic, it could be people in their business, it could be they've hit a money barrier, they've hit something and when you hit this, this invisible glass ceiling what starts to happen is you do this weird little crap that you actually start to decelerate your opportunities in business. Some people call it sabotage, I don't call it sabotage, it's really you're actually looking to go to the bottom of the pit to create from the bottom of the pit and get out of it again and the invisible glass ceiling is you have a pattern, a program and attitude and an energy that has you hit a certain level that you need to learn to break through. Break Free walk around hop over get to the other Shore Etc and that invisible glass ceiling is not necessary; however, mo