Soma Spokane Sermons

The Commission of Jesus



The gospel according to Luke ends with the Risen King Jesus showing up among his perplexed, fearful, and anxious community of disciples. In Acts - which is Luke's Volume 2 of the Jesus Story! - Luke tells us Jesus spent 40 days with this community, teaching them about the Kingdom of God. In this week's text we get a sample of what Jesus taught. First, he wanted them to know him in all his resurrection glory, and to trust his work on their behalf. Second, he wanted them to understand what he had accomplished and made possible. Third, he wanted to prepare them to be his witnesses, proclaiming and demonstrating the Good News to the ends of the earth. And finally, he wanted to know the power of the Spirit who would accomplish all of this through them. All of this sets up the movement of the gospel that unfolds in the book of Acts, eventually reaching all the way to us!