5 Smooth Stones

Hebrew Israelites: Real Power, Real Hope, Real Authority missing



  Blogtalkradio Sunday, 5-21-23, 5 p.m. CST If we follow Christ, we Israelites don't have to wait for the kingdom hopelessly. We are not abandoned while on earth, left to figure it out on our own. No, we don't have to be far from Yah's presence; we can and should live in the fullness of joy of being in his presence. The Holy Spirit was sent to address all these serious needs; he is the comforter. One of the main reasons he was sent was to give us power over all enemies. DO YOU BELIEVE IT? Join us as we peacefully dialogue with the "Waking Up Israel Radio Show."               Awake Zion To listen call (914) 205 5590. To listen online click the play button or go to this link:  http://tobtr.com/12229020