Purple Patch Podcast

Episode 268: Tackling High Heat & Humidity - Preparing the Body for Adversity



Imagine you are in the midst of a tough race in the middle of hot and humid conditions and suddenly your body begins sending you signals of surrender. Anyone who has exerted any type of energy in the sweltering heat can attest to the difficulties posed by the conditions. Nothing sucks the speed out of the legs more than high heat and humidity. So, how do you go about setting yourself up for success when the sun is beating down on you and the humidity becomes claustrophobic? In this week’s episode of the Purple Patch Podcast IRONMAN Master Coach Matt Dixon breaks down how to mitigate the impact of heat by establishing strategies to arrive prepared and ready to perform in adverse conditions. Matt takes a closer look at the challenges of racing in the heat and dissects the physiological effect it has on the body and how it impacts your overall performance. He provides tips and resources to help you arrive fit, fresh, and ready to adapt to the conditions on race day. In this episode: How the Body Responds to Hea