Enterprise Java Newscast

Stackd 65: Devnexus, indeed



Danno, Josh and Kito recap the always-amazing Devnexus and a discuss a wide-range of topics, including TypeScript 5, RIFE2, Hilla, OpenJFX, Adobe buying Figma, Quarkus, JakartaEE 11, AWS Application Composer, Rust, Java 20, SBOMs, Kotlin, and more.  We Thank DataDog for sponsoring this podcast! https://www.pubhouse.net/datadog Front End  - Anyone heard of Eclipse Scout - A one-stop framework to develop professional business applications? (https://www.eclipse.org/scout/)  - Announcing TypeScript 5.0Eclipse Scout - A one-stop framework to develop professional business applications  - PrimeOne 2.0 for Figma (https://www.primefaces.org/introducing-primeone-2-0-for-figma/)  - Adobe to buy Figma (https://news.adobe.com/news/news-details/2022/Adobe-to-Acquire-Figma/default.aspx)  - RIFE2 (https://rife2.com/)  - Hilla 2.0: New features and an improved technology baseline using Spring Boot 3 and Java 17 (https://hilla.dev/blog/hilla-2-0-release/)  - OpenJFX 20 Released (https://gluonhq.com/products/javafx/openjfx-2