Grey Matters Now

EPISODE 40: A First Person Experience With ROCD - a Newly Recognized Type of OCD That Deeply Impacts Relationships



Samantha Colicchio is a San Diego-based writer who focuses on feminism, sex, and mental health. She writes regularly for lifestyle and wellness blogs and she is currently working on a book of nonfiction. To me, she is Sam my sweet neighbor and friend that is apparently also humble and a VERY talented writer. I knew nothing of her phenomenal writing skills until she recently wrote an article that was featured in the Huffington Post. It is a brilliantly written, brave, very transparent and vulnerable account of her struggles with Relationship OCD, a relatively new subtype of the disorder. May is Mental Health Awareness Month and has been observed in the U.S. since 1949 every year to highlight mental health issues in order to fight stigma, provide validation and support, educate the public and advocate for policies that support the millions and millions of people in the U.S. affected by mental illness. This is so important but is a very a tall order and such a large infinitely evolving issue.  The giant umbrella