Far From Fact

255: Brides rejecting grooms in rural India



Grooms may have had a long run in the marriage market and may have rejected brides for all sorts of flimsy reasons - But the tide seems to be turning. A growing number of stories are emerging from the hinterland, where brides are rejecting grooms on d-day. While the reasons range from really shallow to really deep, one thing is certain, the times they are a changing. Join the lads on this report / world-saving mission as they try to make sense of what makes someone put their put their foot down. Send us money yo! Paypalpaypal.me/farfromfactUPIhuseinmerchant@oksbihttps://www.instagram.com/keshavnaidu_/https://www.instagram.com/husein.merchant/+ Music credit – Simon D’Souza+ Write to us – https://www.instagram.com/farfromfact/