Airing Pain

16: Power over Mind and Body



Pain management programmes teach people with pain the strategies they need to live as full a life as possible. Paul Evans talks to patients and professionals at Astley Ainslie Hospital in Edinburgh to hear their uplifting approaches to pain management. The programme focuses on the way that mind and body work together, with psychologists playing as important a role as physiotherapists. It looks at how tackling negative thoughts and patterns of behaviour are as crucial as dealing with the physical aspects of pain. We also get an insight into the amazing benefits of hydrotherapy for those in pain, helping people to take the first step towards getting back into exercise. In this programme: John McLennan – initial assessment of patient Leanne Nicholas – clinical psychologist’s approach, thought strategies David Gillanders – Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Nuno Fereira – ACT and its effects Margaret Kerr – hydrotherapy and how it works Lorraine and patients – hydrotherapy in practice #AbleRadio #