Airing Pain

117: Patients as Research Partners



This edition was facilitated by the British Pain Society and recorded at their Annual Scientific Meeting 2019.  In this edition of Airing Pain, Paul Evans investigates the potential for patients to play an integral role in research, alongside the professionals. Through discussions with patients John and Mark both of whom are part of research groups, he sheds light on the importance of patients shaping the research and treatment of their own condition. From patients being included in directing their own treatment plan to actually influencing the direction of original scientific research, there are many benefits to their involvement. Louise Trewern, a member of the BPS Patient Liaison Committee, speaks of her journey from coming off opioids to working with Doctors in order to help others in similar situations. She highlights need to break down the ‘language’ barrier between professionals and patients.  Margaret Whitehead and Julie Ashworth explore how the BPS and the University of Keele, respectively,