Airing Pain

127: Pain Management & Taking the Sting Out the Tail of Neuropathic Pain



This edition of Airing Pain has been funded by educational grants from The R. S. Macdonald Charitable Trust and The Stafford Trust. Do you, someone you care for or perhaps your patients, suffer from persistent burning or gnawing pain? Many don’t know that often, neuropathic pain presents as a burning sensation. Persistent pain can impact all areas of our lives. It can stop us from sleeping, working and pursuing the hobbies we enjoy. Unfortunately, sometimes the healthcare professionals we see about our pain are unaware of the multitude of pain management techniques we can adopt to try and minimise the impact pain has on our lives. Different types of pain are widely misunderstood and many of us don't know much about the conditions that can cause them. What do you think of when you think of Parkinson's Disease? Many would say a tremor or shaking limbs, but persistent pain can be one of the most debilitating symptoms of Parkinson's Disease. The fastest growing neurological condition in the world is poorly u