Radio Gag - The Gays Against Guns Show

Survivor Sit-In D.C.



Join Radio GAG 5.25.23 as we get the down low on the Survivor Sit In DC June 6-12. Activist Sam Schwartz who lost his cousin Alex in the Parkland mass murder 2.14.2018 has had enough.  After lobbying for five years in Florida and Washington DC, Sam has called for all the Gun Violence Prevention groups to join him in a National sit in for a vote on the Assault Weapons Ban before Congress.  While lawmakers drag their feet and wait for Democrat hold outs and the GOP to stand up for Americans who want to attend school, go out to nightclubs and shop in grocery stores in safety, we are sitting down with Sam to #TakeAVote. Get the details and Sam’s straight talk about lobbying and guns on Radio GAG Survivor Sit In DC 5.25.23 on your favorite podcast platform. Follow @samschwartz03 on Twitter.
