Angels Don't Lie With Jeanne Street

Embrace your Inner Power, Say it out LOUD with Vasavi Kumar



How many times have you caught yourself telling yourself that you’re stupid, incompetent, or not worthy? When you take the time to say, hear, and question what you've been telling yourself, you'll realize that most of what you "know" about yourself is untrue—passed down from your family, peers, society, media and our cultural upbringing. It’s time to change the conversation you’re having with yourself. It’s time to #sayitoutloud! – Hello my beautiful friend and welcome to this episode of Angels Don't Lie! Today I have the honor and pleasure to talk with Vasavi Kumar, the QUEEN of saying it out loud! A first-generation Indian immigrant, she grew up going to school in a predominantly all-White town. She struggled with figuring out her own unique identity, the mental heartache of bullying, and shame from outshining the other students in her class due to her strict upbringing and focus on academics. Back then, she longed for acceptance, and believed that she had to dumb herself down to fit in and be welcomed into