Sasquatch Chronicles

SC EP:955 Hunters Encountering Cryptids



Trevor writes “Wes, I hope all is well. I’ve been carrying around this experience 20 years now hoping that what I saw in the woods while turkey hunting in southern Indiana. While sitting beside a huge poplar tree on top of a ridge in the Hoosier national forest area of Martin county, that was blocking my view of anything coming on my right side. I was watching a few turkeys that were coming up the south ridge in front of me, they were startled by something and started acting strangely. That’s when coming from my right side I heard some small twigs and leaves rustling around and it was something of significant size by the sound of it. I slowly peaked around to see what it was and the thing I convinced myself of that I saw being a good sized bear somehow standing in a region of the country bears aren’t supposed to be. Suddenly I realize the shoulders were way too wide to be a bear it almost had the features of a dog, long snout pointy ears, in all these years I’ve yet to find what I seen that day researching