Fueling The Flame

NEW LEVELS OF ABUNDANCE | ♉️ New Moon #newmoon #taurustarot #channeledmessages #tarot



Happy New Moon the New Moon in the 3rd Decan of Taurus at 28 of Taurus on May 19th at 11:55AM EST. Mars and Venus, the Divine Lovers will both be in the sign of Cancer. while Jupiter, Uranus and Mercury will be joining the Moon and the Sun in the North Node in the sign of Taurus. this is an excellent time to set clear intentions to move forward by laying the foundations for something radical, integral and straightforward that will bring abundance. READ ♉️ BLOGPOST https://bit.ly/3ATJGbZ Join Membership for the Full Message, currently only IG @fd1111Ministries for $2.99 monthly