Boat Radio

Boat Radio – Ocean Research Project – Gambia: meeting the Chicken Man of Lamin and heading up the Bintang Creek



The latest instalment of Matt’s adventures in West Africa. This week, useless Yanni and brawny Bruno join Matt as he navigates the inland waterways of Gambia, meets the Chicken Man of Lamin and gets absolutely wasted with Big Bo. Plus, following Hurricanes Irma and Maria, Matt talks of Puerto Rico, his experiences sailing the Caribbean and how climate change is affecting the weather. He also gives us a quick lesson in paleotempestology. Matt Rutherford can find the perfect blue water yacht for you. If you’re ready for an adventure, find him at: Boat Radio is brought to you by Boon Ridge – awesome gear to get you off the beaten track: Follow Boat Radio on Facebook: To find out more about Matt’s environmental work, go to: Plus, if you’re interested in hearing the kora music of Toumani Diabate, follow this link: Next time, more African antics as Ma