Boat Radio

Boat Radio – Ocean Research Project – When is it okay to call for rescue?



This week, Matt Rutherford looks back at the abandonment of the Gunboat 55 catamaran, Rainmaker, which was dismasted 200 miles southeast of Cape Hatteras while en route to the Caribbean island of St. Maarten. He also talks about how he and girlfriend Nicole found an abandoned Swan 48 mid-Atlantic and attempted to tow it back to land. Also this week, the continuing adventures of Matt, Bruno and Yanni in Africa. This time around, Yanni is sent to the hospital to have the parasitic worm cut out of his foot before continuing his epic bicycle ride from Berlin to Cape Town. Matt kicks Bruno ashore, checks out the German women shopping for lovers on the beaches of Gambia, risks drinking gallons of local tap water then fills the boat with noodles and crosses the Atlantic. On the way, he supplements his diet by catching Mahi Mahi and drying thin fillets rubbed in cayenne pepper all around his boat. To find out more about Matt Rutherford’s environmental work for NASA and The Smithsonian, visit: http://oceanresearch